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EATV Highper El ATV-3EC

EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
EATV Highper El ATV-3EC
Product Code: 65898

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Description and characteristics
Product description
Specificatiile tehnice:
Motor: 1200 W, 48 V, motor fara perii
Acumulator: Baterie cu acid-plumb 48V12AH Chilwee sau similara (48V20AH suplimentar)
Transmisie: Ambreiaj automat fara marsalier
Material cadru: Otel
Transmisie finala: Prindere cu arbore
Roti: Fata si spate: 145/70-6
Sistem de franare fata si spate: Frana cu disc fata si spate
Suspensie fata si spate: Amortizor mecanic dublu fata, amortizor mono spate
Lumina fata: Far fata
Viteza maxima: 38 km/h (Limitare 3 viteze: 38 km/h, 25 km/h, 15 km/h)
Autonomie: 30 km
Incarcare maxima: 70 kg
Inaltime scaun: 550 mm
Ampatament: 820 mm
Inaltime minima la sol: 550 mm
Greutate bruta: 83 kg
Greutate neta: 73 kg
Dimensiune bicicleta: 118x70x69 cm
Dimensiune ambalaj: 115x71x58 cm
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