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Super Penetrant Master PO-16 (284 gr.)

Super Penetrant Master PO-16 (284 gr.)
Product Code: 47679

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Description and characteristics
Product description


Aerosol Super-penetrating grease.
It is useful where corrosion and rust restrict and block the work of parts, as well as when unscrewing rusty bolts. Releases parts that have been stuck and connected by carbonaceous substances, varnish, paint, rubber.
The drug can be used for domestic work: it cleans the tool, garden tools, clean guns, sports equipment, etc. from corrosion.
In the car, use to clean the carburettor, throttle, fuel injector.
Apply a small amount of the drug to the stuck parts.
Then lightly tap to separate rust and corrosion.


  • To release the piston rings, spray the lubricant directly through the spark plug hole. Apply a small amount and leave for 10-12 hours until the grease is absorbed.
  • Check the compression in each cylinder.
  • If the compression is not appropriate, apply additional lubricant.
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