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Starting Fluid Master SF16 (312 гр.)

Starting Fluid Master SF16 (312 гр.)
Product Code: 47686

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Description and characteristics
Product description


For gasoline and diesel engines. Do not use in diesel engines with automatic heating candles. Before using the liquid, read the vehicle manufacturer's instructions again. Provides a quick and easy start of the cold engine at a temperature of -54 ° C.

Reduces the deterioration of batteries. Contains lubrication for the upper parts of the engine working cylinders. Can be used for outboard engines, lawn mowers, 2 and 4 stroke engines

While holding the balloon in an upright position, spray the contents inside the carburettor for 3 seconds. Do not overdose! Start the engine immediately following the normal procedure. If the engine does not start, repeat the procedure 1 or 2 times. If in this case the engine does not start, check the ignition system. Do not attempt to use the starting fluid when trying to start the engine "fueled".

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