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Polishing for tires FA1-213 500 ml.

Polishing for tires FA1-213 500 ml.
Product Code: 45128

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Tires and bumper - car components at greatest negative impact of the environment. For tires and bumper always look like new, enough to buy a car polish  blackening effect!


This tool will help you to protect the rubber from aging and give a spectacular black gloss tires and bumpers.


Polish with the effect of blackening gently and effectively cleanse the rubber with organic and technical pollution. Anti-static effect (prevents dust settling) would be a nice addition to the reducing action of the automotive polishes.


UV protection helps protect from the elements of auto-aging and prolong their life. Water-repellent properties of polishes car will help your car stay clean longer, even in bad weather. Just apply a polish after car.


Keep clean the tires and bumpers for long. Book car polish Autoprofi Performance Now!


Mode of application


Shake the bottle and apply evenly polish the vehicle on clean, dry surface. Allow to dry and wipe the treated surface with a sponge or a soft dry cloth. we recommend you apply a car wax once again to obtain a uniform film.

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