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Carburetor cleaner Inci plus, 375 ml.

Carburetor cleaner Inci plus, 375 ml.
Product Code: 45123

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carburetor cleaner

Cleaner effectively cleans carburetor carburetor fuel lines during engine operation.

It improves its performance, to maintain the purity valves, cylinders and tops of the intake pipes.

It removes moisture from fuel system.

It reduces fuel consumption.

Dissolves gum, varnish deposits, soot and other contaminants.

It provides optimal performance exhaust. It protects the engine and fuel tank from corrosion during long periods of inactivity.

Is added to the tank before refueling.

Recommended for all petrol engines, especially with the catalyst.

When highly contaminated fuel system can be a loss of power. In this case, change the fuel filter and repeat the cleaning.

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