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Gloves for workers (fabric+rubber)

Gloves for workers (fabric+rubber)
Product Code: 45776

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Rubber - Work Gloves

Contoured with the natural skin creases of the hand to allow for maximum motion while still providing a cushion to your palm. Specifically designed for maximum grip for the hard working and hard playing individual, our technology is available in both men's and women's styles. The variety of uses includes automotive, construction, yard work, action sports, package handling, plumbing and precise handling of small parts.


Great dexterity

Vibration dampening

Flexible formulation

  Better Grip Safety Winter Insulated Double-Lining Knit Latex Dip Nylon Work Gloves. Better Grip Summer Gloves. No seams to irritate the hands. Repels liquids and provides a firm grip in wet conditions...

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