Уважаемые автомобилисты наступило время смены шин т.к среднесуточная температура приближается к +7 градусам.😵🤧


Alcotester ALTIK-disposable

Alcotester ALTIK-disposable
Product Code: 45800

Due to the increase of price for energy resources, the prices on goods on our website may be irrelevant! We are working on updating our prices. We insist that you check the cost of the goods with the manager! You can call, write in the chat - we will answer you!

Breath alcohol tester tube ALTIK without any heavy metals inside is suitable for sell in Markets, Petrol station and Drug store 


One-time test, appropriate for sale on the Petrol station, Detail network, Shop with accessories for motor car, Drug-store and Internet shop.

Package Altik contain:


1 x metering balloon

1 x mountpieces


box Altik with jokeful graphic and with four lingual instruction imprint inside box

Size of box Altik is 70 x 125 x 14 mm


Selling packing:

One cardboard display with jokeful graphic á 20 pcs Altiks

Size of box Display is 150 x 190 x 130 mm

Shipping packing:

24pcs selling displays it´s 480pcs tubes. Size is 400 x 450 x 550 mm - 12,5 kg

48pcs selling displays it´s 960pcs tubes 400 x 600 x 800 mm - 24 kg

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