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Hoco X26 Xpress USB Charging Cable (Red)

Hoco X26 Xpress USB Charging Cable (Red)
Hoco X26 Xpress USB Charging Cable (Red)
Hoco X26 Xpress USB Charging Cable (Red)
Hoco X26 Xpress USB Charging Cable (Red)
Hoco X26 Xpress USB Charging Cable (Red)
Hoco X26 Xpress USB Charging Cable (Red)
Hoco X26 Xpress USB Charging Cable (Red)
Hoco X26 Xpress USB Charging Cable (Red)
Product Code: 55908

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Description and characteristics
Product description

The Hoco X26 Xpress Charging USB lightning-microUSB-Type-C 1m Red cable is used to exchange data between devices. It is presented in three color schemes. Charges and synchronizes devices compatible with the lightning-microUSB-Type-C connector. The case is made of a pleasant to the touch material and reinforced with a metal plate. Dense and flexible to the touch material of the accessory guarantees the safety of the braid for a long time.

Type lightning -microUSB-Type-C cable;

Wire material - nylon;

Connectors material - metal;

Length - 100 cm;

Current strength * - 5V / 2A (declared by the manufacturer);

USB Type * - 2. 1 (declared by the manufacturer);

Durable and wear-resistant cable material;

Fast and high-quality charging, data transfer

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* Вся представленная информация на сайте www.coleso.md, включая цены товаров, носит исключительно информационный характер и не является публичной офертой, определяемой положениями статей 681 и 805 Гражданского кодекса Р.М. №. 1107 Характеристики и комплектация товара могут изменяться производителем без уведомления.

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