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Hoco CA5 Car Phone Holder (Yellow)

Hoco CA5 Car Phone Holder (Yellow)
Hoco CA5 Car Phone Holder (Yellow)
Hoco CA5 Car Phone Holder (Yellow)
Hoco CA5 Car Phone Holder (Yellow)
Hoco CA5 Car Phone Holder (Yellow)
Hoco CA5 Car Phone Holder (Yellow)
Hoco CA5 Car Phone Holder (Yellow)
Hoco CA5 Car Phone Holder (Yellow)
Hoco CA5 Car Phone Holder (Yellow)
Hoco CA5 Car Phone Holder (Yellow)
Hoco CA5 Car Phone Holder (Yellow)
Hoco CA5 Car Phone Holder (Yellow)
Product Code: 55932

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Description and characteristics
Product description

The car holder for the phone is designed specifically for using the smartphone in the car, while the device fits perfectly into the interior of any car. The car holder is securely attached to the ventilation grill, thanks to the rubberized mount this process will not bother you at all, the phone ports remain in the public domain. Suitable for gadgets with a diagonal of up to 6 inches. The rubberized edges of the holder prevent scratches.

Air Vent Mount
Compatibility: smartphones with a diagonal up to 6 inches

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